FRAUD ALERT: Indraneel Bhattacharjee is no longer associated with Shifu Kanishka due to misconduct and breeches to Company policy. We are not responsible nor liable for any contract that he enters.

Weekend Classes with Tuhon Jeetender

Advanced level classes with Tuhon Jeetender Singh on weekends

You have the opportunity to train under Tuhon Jeetender on the weekend. Tuhon Jeetender is an exceptionally skilled Martial Artist specializing in self-defense and Commando Training who also holds an MBA degree.

He has been a practitioner of karate since a young age and holds a black belt in it.
Tuhon Jeetender has spent eight years of training personally under Tuhon Kanishka that has given him the opportunity to be associated with various martial arts.

He is currently the senior most certified instructor for Shifu Kanishka Combatives and has also been awarded with the rank of Tuhon in Pekiti Tirsia Kali.

He has conducted Survival training programs single handedly with Army, Police commandos, Para Special Forces and many Schools and Corporate houses under the direct supervision of Tuhon/Shifu Kanishka.

Weekend classes 7am – 9am

(plus GST)